Ricoh Canada and Latin America Dealers & Distributors

Ricoh Canada & Latin America Dealers can self-register at:

Select Register now:

Enter your email address and select Ricoh Canada or Ricoh Latin America and complete the Contact Information form and select: [Create user account]:

An email from Ricoh USA will be sent to confirm your account:

Open the email from Ricoh USA and select the link to activate/confirm your account:

Complete the Registration form:

  1. Enter new password.
  2. Choose a forgot password question.
  3. Add a Phone Number (optional). If selected, follow the prompts to setup Voice Call Verification.
  4. Choose a picture for security image.
  5. Select [Create My Account]

Set the multifactor authentication method you would like to use.

Select [Finish]

You are now registered and can select Xpress from the Application List drop-down:

Quick Note: Future applications and websites will soon be added to this External Directory SSO, eliminating the need to keep track of multiple user names and passwords.

You should now be routed to the new Xpress site:

Please verify your Role by clicking the Edit icon:

While editing your profile, please complete:

  • Country
  • Region
  • Phone Number

Check box for Request Role Change and select Dealer Technician from the Drop-Down and select default message provided “I am a technician and require access to this role”

Save your profile changes and you will see an “Update succeeded” message:

To see the Role changes take effect, logout:

and then log back in by selecting Login Link:

You will now see new Menu options available based on your new role:

NOTE: Remember to bookmark: for quick access in the future.